The present combined special issue of Geologica Balcanica is dedicated to two important events, and namely, the 110th Anniversary of Acad. Prof. Strashimir Dimitrov, and the 17th Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association.
Academician S. Dimitrov was not only a leading Bulgarian and Balkan petrologist who distinguished himself with detailed studies in the metamorphic and magmatic terrains in the central and eastern parts of the Balkan Peninsula. He was a real scientist and science organizer in the best sense of the word: dedicated to science, and always ready to contribute to science and education. He laid the basis for the present Geological Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences more than fifty years ago and established its present structure and the main lines of fundamental and applied research to be performed.
The Geological Institute organized in December 2002 a special scientific session on the occasion of this anniversary. The importance of this session comes not only from the fact that it has made a recapitulation of the research performed during the last few years, and of main lines of future research. The session was a milestone on the road towards a Geology of Bulgaria that has to be the final product of years of research of several generations of Bulgarian geologists. Quite naturally, the reports presented have exposed different new facts and different views thus being the ground for discussion useful for the preparation of the book. This was also the reason for the Editorial Board to decide the publication of a special issue of extended abstracts.
The other memorable event for the Carpathian and Balkan geology has been the 17th Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association held in September 2002 in Bratislava. The Association has been created 80 years ago, and evolved through the years as a professional and scientific organization of the geologists of Central and Eastern Europe. The number of Balkan member countries gradually increased, for to include after the Carpathian countries (Czechoslovakia, Poland, Ukraina, Romania and Yugoslavia), Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia and Albania. Thus, the two "branches" of the Association seem to be symmetrically represented although at each congress the attention is naturally concentrated on the neighbour countries: Carpathian or Balkan. Thus, the Balkan countries have had a modest presentation at the Bratislava congress that makes necessary to dedicate this special issue also to the 17th CBGA Congress. The Editorial Board has the firm opinion that CBGA is still vital, and that the forthcoming revision and changes of its Statuses should contribute to the further development of geology in our countries, in the new climate of united Europe.
Strashimir Dimitrov was born on 10 August 1892 in the city of Sofia in a poor and large family – his father Dimitar Giorev Mechkarski and his mother – Susana Igova Kilimarska had 13 children. "The most important family traits of the Giorevs, parents and children, are natural intelligence, studiousness, persistent conscientious and beneficial diligence, good manner to neighbours, clients, fellow-citizens; sharp sense of duty and justice. These inherited and acquired virtues were the most specific features of Strashimir Dimitrov that built him up as a first class scientist and valorous citizen who was respected and loved by everybody." - writes Academician Prof. Ivan Kostov about the stock of Strashimir Dimitrov...
The territory of Bulgaria covers parts of two major tectonic units - the northern part of the Alpine thrust belt on the Balkans and its foreland - the Moesian platform.
These two major tectonic units are generally recognized by all Bulgarian geologists but there has been and still is going on a considerable debate about their further subdivision into higher-ranking units, their structure and geodynamic interpretation.
Earlier tectonic schemes were based on the geosynclinal theory. According to the classical and most popular concept of Бончев (1971, 1986), the northern branch of the Alpine orogen in Bulgaria developed within the geosynclinal "mobile space" between two cratons – the MIoesian platform and the Thracian "median massif'. From this viewpoint, the territory of Bulgaria was divided into three major tectonic units: Thracian massif (Serbo- Macedonian and Rhodope massifs), Alpine orogen and Moesian Platform. The orogen was further subdivided into "morpho structural zones": Balkanides (with Fore-Balkan and Stara Plan ina zones), Srednogorie, Kraishtides and South Carpathians. The tectonic map of Йовчев et aI. (1967, 1971) is based on a similar, slightly modified approach and portrays four major tectonic units: Rhodope massif, Moesian platform, AIpine fold belt (with seven zones) and Superimposed Tertiary depressions.
Since the advent of the plate tectonic theory three decades ago, numerous controversial and contradicting tectonic models for the structure and geological evolution of Bulgaria have been proposed (Boyanov et aI., 1989; Dabovski et aI., 1989, Dokov et aI., 1989; Антова et aI., 1996 and many others). They are based on the concept that the Alpine evolution and structure of the Balkan Peninsula were controlled by continuous subduction and multiple collisions along the south facing continental margin of Eurasia. These models differ in the approach to define tectonic units, but share one common point of view - the Alpine thrust belt is a mosaic of proximal and exotic continental fragments that accreted to Eurasia during the closure of Tethys. So far, however, a published modern tectonic map of Bulgaria is not available.
In order to arrive at the most objective tectonic model of any territory, it is necessary to compile and analyze as complete a range of geological parameters as possible, including lithology, palaeontology, stratigraphy, structure, volcanism, plutonism, metamorphism, radiometric data and geophysics. This approach has been adopted by the authors in an attempt to develop a new model for the Alpine structure and evolution of Bulgaria. The present paper is a summary of the main results.
The structure and evolution of the pre-Alpine basement of Europe have been recently subject of active research. The results of this research clarified many of the features of the peri-Gondwanan elements in this basement. Several advantages characterize the pre-Early Palaeozoic basement in the considered here region compared to that of alpine Europe. Most of these advantages are related to the lesser degree of reworking of the analysed basement during the Variscan and Alpine tectogenesis.
Both terranes treated are the basement of the Balkan terrane (Haydoutov, Yanev, 1997) and the eastern part of the Rhodope Massif.
Results of radiogeochronological studies on the igeous and metamorphic rock complexes can be effectively interpreted only when taking into account the possibilities and limitations of each method applied.
Igneous rocks are comparatively easily dated when have not suffered superimposed thermal or tectonothermal (metamorphic) events after their cooling. Concordant ages are usually obtained using the Rb-Sr, U-Pb and K-Ar methods. The Ar-Ar method may be crucial for understanding the cooling history. U-Pb dating of zircon cores may supply information about the source rocks, and initial Rb-Sr ratios and Sm- Nd data are important for petrogenetic interpretations.
When the igneous body has been subjected to post-intrusion tectonothermal events, its origin and evolution may be elucidated only with the aid of a complex of methods. The age of the intrusion may be obtained using isochrone methods: Rb-Sr whole-rock isochrone (the mineral isochrone reflect the time of superimposed metamorphism) and U-Pb zircon ages using the concordia-discordia diagram. In the second case, the upper concordia/discordia intercept is related to the intrusion age whereas the lower intercept gives the age of the superimposed metamorphism. In the most general case, K-Ar dates would be "mixed data" situated between the age of cooling and the time of superimposed metamorphism, and in case of full radiogenic Ar loss during the superimposed event, would date the latter. In such a case, the Ar-Ar method will supply information about the cooling history of this last tectonothermal event.
A single metamorphic event (or cycle) imposed over a sedimentary or volcano-sedimentary sequence would result in concordant ages obtained by different isotopic methods. Considerable difficulties arise when trying to date polymetamorphic complexes with a long and controversial history. Unfortunately, such is the case with most of the polymetamorphic rocks exposed in the central parts of the Balkan Peninsula.
The present overview aims to compare the information obtained during the last years when extensive new data have been published. The reference list contains (due to the very limited space) only a selected fraction of the various sources used. The author apologizes for the forceful omission of many valuable sources that will be fully cited in a following extended publication.
The Precambrian ophiolites in the Rhodope Massif have been altered under different metamorphic conditions and as a result varied products were formed. Some of them show textures resembling to magmatic ones, and often were recognized by field investigations as basic magmatites. Here are presented three principal instances of pseudomagmatic texture appearance.
The Late Cretaceous evolution of Bulgaria is connected with geodynamic processes affecting the northern Tethys margin – northward subduction of Tethyan oceanic crust, initiation, development and extinction of a volcanic island arc system, with incipient back-arc rifting during its final phases. According to structure, type of magmatic activity, longitudinal and transversal petrochemical zonation and stage of evolution this island arc system is close to the mature ensialic magmatic island arc.
On the territory of Bulgaria the Late Cretaceous island arc system roughly coincides with the Srednogorie volcano-intrusive zone (SVIZ). In global aspect SVIZ is one of the earliest subduction related segments of the Eurasian active continental margin. Three volcano-intrusive areas – western (WSVIA), central (CSVIA) and eastern (ESVIA) – can be distinguished in SVIZ on the basis of the nature of basement, crustal thickness, regional geophysical fields, type of magmatism (composition, facies, age, magmatic structure, etc.), accompanying sedimentation, metamorphism, metallogeny. The deposition in SVIZ is of Mediterranean type, mainly hemi-pelagic, with accumulation of volcano-clastics and turbidites. Time span of magmatic activity – Turonian – Campanian.
In the geodynamic interpretation of the subduction related Late Cretaceous magmatism, the island arc system consist of several parts: 1. Frontal part (Rhodope intrusive unit); 2. Axial part (Strandzha region of ESVIA and dominant volume of CSVIA and WSVIA); 3. Rear part (Yambol-Bourgas region of ESVIA and certain volume of CSVIA and WSVIA); 4. Back-arc rift (North Bourgas region of ESVIA) (Stanisheva-Vassileva, 1989; Georgiev et aI., 2001).
Groups of ultrabasic, basic, intermediate and acid rocks occur in the Late Cretaceous magmatism in SVIZ. Basic and intermediate magmatites dominate. This is an abundant basalt magmatism, complexly differentiated, with multilevel enrichment of K – from almost K-lacking, tholeiitic, through CA, HKCA, SH, HKSH to highest, hyper-K (bulgaritic) level. This bulgaritic differentiation trend of the Late Cretaceous volcanism is assumed to be the earliest expression of Mediterranean K-petrochemistry.
The Chelopech region is the host of Europe's largest gold deposit Chelopech, and is situated about 65 km east of Sofia at the foot of Stara Planina Mountain. It is whithin the northhermost part of the Panagyurishte ore district which includes many large porphyry-Cu and epithermal deposits. The Panagyurishte ore district belongs to central Srednogorie volcano-intrusive area, and is part of the Srednogorie Late Cretaceous island arc (Dabovski et al., 1991). The area is charcterized by the development of Late Cretaceous volcano-plutonic complexes consisting mainly of andesites, dacites, granodiorites, and quartz-monzodiorites grouped in 4 temporal stages accordin to Lilov and Chipchakova (1999): Ist, >91; IInd, 91-88; IIIrd, 88-86; IVth, 67-65 Ma...
Numerous stratigraphic gaps are known from the Bulgarian Lower and Middle Jurassic sections. The more considerable of them a priori have been accepted as a result of regressions, emersions, erosion and new transgressions.
The most attractive among the Early-Middle Jurassic gaps in this country is the pre-Callovian stratigraphic gap which is very well developed in the Central Balkanids. We made a palaeoecologic (Sapunov) and microfacial (Belivanova) study of the sediments just below and above the gap in limited localities where the gap is a diastem and usually is marked by hardgrounds. Beside this, we made a similar research in continuous Bathonian-Callovian sections in the West Balkan Range. The aim of this research was the comparison between the depositional environments of the continuous Bathonian-Callovian sediments and the Bathonian and Callovian from the cover and the basement of the pre-Callovian diastem in the Central Balkanids.
Catastrophic sediments are formed under the influence of sharp and short-term natural phenomena – earthquakes, tsunami, hurricanes, storms, submarine slumps, continuous torrential rains etc. They could be caused by different reasons (relief and land dynamics, shelf and continental slope, sharp climatic changes, impact and orbital influences etc.) which have outside (allocyclic) character in respect to the deposition. These deposits are named catastrophic because they are a result of the very short-term phenomena (Ager, 1974, 1993; Einsele, 1991; Seilacher, 1991).
The sediments discussed are genetically and dynamically determined and characterized in diverse Lower Cretaceous cross sections in Bulgaria. The basic types of catastrophic deposits in the Bulgarian Lower Cretaceous record are: debrites and diamictites with chaotic structure, very thick extensive debrites, as well as tempestites and beds with hummocky cross stratification (HCS). Specific event deposits are so called fluxoturbidites, whose origin is connected to the combination between turbiditic curents and significant submarine slumping. Generally these are thick-bedded deposits with slightly expressed graded stratification, often with chaotic structure and practically without any marks on the lower bed surface of the sand beds.
The following types of catasttophic deposits were established in the Lower Cretaceous sections in the region of the Central and Eastern Balkan: 1) mass debris flow deposits - debrites and diamictites (or mixtites); 2) tempestites; 3) sediments with hummocky-cross-stratified bedding; 4) submarine slumps and slumping. Their formation is conditioned by the specificy of the palaeogeographic environment...
Sloss (1963) and the group of EXXON used names of North American Indian tribes as Absaroka, Zuni for the nominqtion of the 1st order sequence stratigraphic units. For their subdivisions they used Lower and Upper Absaroka, etc. and their subdivisions, in turn, were designated by number – 1, 1.3, etc. (Haq et aI., 1988). Latter, however, Hardenbol et aI. (1998) used another system. They gave to the sequence the index of the stage, where passed the lower sequence boundary – Toa 1, Toa 2, etc. for the Toarcian sequences, etc.
For designation the sequences (Fig. 1) in the field, I used the name of the section and the number of the sequences above one reper – Lyalintsi - 1, Komshtitsa 2.1, etc., which nomination is expressed in the Fig. 2-4.
The Bulgarian Lower and Middle Jurassic fauna, especially ammonites (Sapunov, 1976a, b, 1977 a, b), brachiopods, etc. possesses links with the Northwestern European (Boreal/Subboreal) bioprovince and the Upper Jurassic - with the Southwestern European (Tethyan/Submediterranean) bioprovince. That is why I correlate the two parts of the Bulgarian Jurassic sequence stratigraphic scheme with the relative western European sequence stratigraphic standards of Hardenbol et aI., (1998).
The western Bulgarian Jurassic sediments are divided into two 1st order sequences, called by Tchoumatchenco, Lakova (1994) – Lower and Upper Major Jurassic depositional sequences. Here I follow the manner of nomination of the sequences, used by Hardenbol et aI. (1998) – after their stratigraphical position. For the Lower Major Sequence I use the name Hettangian-Lower Callovian, and for the Upper Major Sequence-Middle Callovian-Berriasian Depositional Sequence. The Hettangian-Lower Callovian Sequence is subdivided, in its turn, into two 2nd order sequences – Hettangian-Lower Toarcian sequence (coinciding more or less with the North American super cycles (Haq et aI., 1988) Upper Absaroka 2-4 (UAB 2-4) and Upper Toarcian-Lower Callovian sequence (coinciding partially with the super cycles Lower Zuni A 1-3 (LZA 1-3). Here will be described only the 1st order sequences.
The events (physical, geochemical, biological – in the modern sense of the event stratigraphy) in the Maastrichtian and Danian in Bulgaria recently have been a subject of several publications. The main part of them is concentrated on the impact event at the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary and its consequences.
After the discovery of the K/T boundary clay bed near Bjala (Stoykova, Ivanov, 1992), many authors had explored this locality and represented new data about the iridium anomaly in Bjala sections (Preisinger et aI., 1993a, b; Rogl et aI., 1996). Biological events and biostratigraphy across the K/T boundary in these sections are studied and discussed by Ivanov, Stoykova (1994), Stoykova, Ivanov (1995), Cтoйкoвa, Иванов (1996). The K/T boundary is located in the flysh section near Emona as well (Sinnyovsky, Stoykova, 1995). Later on, Синьовски (1999) reported an iridium anomaly at the K/T boundary in a clay bed, situated in-between shallow-water carbonate sediments in Mezdra region (NW Bulgaria).
Many articles (or parts of articles) have been devoted to the problem of mass extinction and biological changes among the different fossil groups: calcareous nannoplankton – Preisinger et aI. (1993a, b) Ivanov, Stoykova (1994,1995), Ragl et aI.(1996), Cтoйкoвa, Иванов (1996); planktonic foraminifera – Ragl et aI. (1996), Adatte ,et aI. (2002); benthic foraminifera – Вълчев (2001); macroinvertebrates – Ivanov Stoykova (1994), Stoykova, Ivanov (1995), Cтoйкoвa, Иванов (1996); Mileva-Ilieva (1998, 2000). There are two comprehensive studies on the K/T boundary in Bulgaria recently published – Стойкова и др. (2000), Adatte et aI. (2002). These papers summarize all data, that had been obtained from the different studies (stratigraphical, sedimentological, paleontological, mineralogical, geochemical, isotope), as well as newly acquired data andinterpretations.
The value of other types of event-markers in the Maastrichtian – Danian interval is still poorly examined. Until now, Синьовски (1999) documented slumps, tephra-markers (beds containing volcanic ash) and biological events (colonization and immigration of fauna) in Maastrichtian-Danian of Mezdra region. Unfortunately
these event-markers are discerned in a restricted area and it's difficult to estimate their reliability for correlation.
The first attempts for sequence stratigraphy subdivision of the Maastrichtian-Danian interval are made in the last few years. Синьовски (1999) divided two sequence units in this interval in Mezdra region. Вангелов (2000) separated two units in the Maastrichtian and one in the Maastrichtian-Danian in the East Balkan, Central Balkan-Fore Balkan and East Moesian Platform.
The formulation of the present study is based of the choice of maximum informative for our purpose objects (sections). Therefore we discarded several well known to the geological community sections. We used only sections, which meet the following requirements: a) to have relatively continuous sedimentation across the Maastrichtian-Danian, including the K/T border; b) to display different facial and bathymetrical zones in the basin. Three types of sections/environments can be distinguished: shallow-water, hemipelagic and deep-water.
The main goals of the study are: 1) to summarize all available data on the K/T boundary studies in Bulgaria, as well as to reveal some newly obtained data for correlation of the event-markers in the Maastrichtian-Danian interval; 2) to produce a sequence stratigraphy subdivision and correlation of the third-order units in the interval.
The purposes of this study are as follows: 1. To obtain new micropaleontological, palynological, biostratigraphical and lithofacial data from the existing collections of thin-sections in the Geological Institute prepared in the the 80s of 20th century when Jurassic – Cretaceous well sections in NE Bulgaria were first studied by Сапунов et al. (1986), Рускова, Николов (1984). 2. In addition to the joint calpionellid and calcareous dinocyst successions and zones, to correlate directly dinoflagellate cysts associations and zones. 3. This study is an opportunity to test the bathymetrical range of application of the joint Tithonian to Valangian calpionellid and calcareous dinocyst zonation (Lakova et al., 1999) elaborated for pelagicallimestones, in this case - in a more distal depositional environment where sub-flysch succession was accumulated.
Franz Toula (1890, 1892) expressed his opinion that the rocks in the vicinity of Varna and southernly of the town are similar to those from the Kerch Peninsula. Therefore all the rest investigators accepted these rocks as formed in the Euxinian basin during the Middle Miocene subage.
The Middle Miocene Subseries in Northeastern Bulgaria is comparatively well studied. The Regional Stages according to the scheme of the Eastern Paratethys, and namely the Tarkhanian, Chokrakian, Karaganian, Konkian and Sarmatian (s.l.) Regional Stage are distinguished.
In the last years extensive research has been done in a part of Northeastern Bulgaria (Fig. 1). The presence of some species in the gathered collection of molluscs, and some referred to in the publications, request a revision of the concepts concerning the presence and volume of some stages and substages as well as their correlation.
Independently of the wide development of the medium and low temperature hydrothermal alterations of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary volcanics in the Srednogorie and Rhodope zone, their terminological designation and use are too various. Typical cases in this respect are the propylites. Very often their classical determination given in 1868 by Rithoffen (Русинов, 1972) as hydrothermal alteration of andesites and dacites preceding the gold-silver ore mineralization is neglected. Especially for Bulgaria, a similar destiny have had the results obtained by Lewien (1933). For a long time they were insufficiently rationally used in our geological practice where terms "strong", "medium" and "weakly" altered volcanics are used frequently instead of the proposed by the same author three main types of propylitization - carbonate, chlorite and sulphide (pyritic) type. The evolution of the opinions of Strashimir Dimitrov (Димитров, 1961) about the sense of the term "propylitization" is quite interesting. In 1936 he considered the hydrothermal alterations of the Upper Cretaceous andesites in the Srednogorie zone as a result of a "deep autometamorphosis". He connected to this process also the origin of ore mineralization of native copper, some deposits of copper sulphides and manganese ores. In 1946 S. Dimitrov used the term "propylitization" and considered it as dominantly zeolitic, chloritic and pyritic. In 1955 he mentioned a "greenschist facies" metamorphism that had developed in submarine conditions...
The Panagyurishte ore district in Bulgaria includes three significant porphyry copper (-gold) deposits (Medet, Elatsite and Assarel), and several small ones (Vlaikov Vruh, Tsar Asen, Petelovo and others). The porphyry copper deposits in the district were objects of intensive investigations during the last decades and numerous studies provide data about these hydrothermal systems and their mineral composition (Strashimirov et aI., 2000).
The aim of the present paper is to summarize and determine correctly the hydrothermal alteration of the host rock according to the two most preferable genetic classifications: 1) the classification given by Meyer and Hemley (1967), which is used in the USA, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, UK, Spain, France, Italy, etc., and 2) the classification on a formation-facial basis given by Жариков, Омеляненко (1978), which is used in the East and Central European countries, Sweden, China, etc...
During the last 15-20 years the therm "epithermal deposit" (Lindgren, 1933) reached a significant popularity, especially concerning the gold deposits. Based on both gangues and ore minerals, two types of hydrothermal wall-rock alterations have been defined: acid-sulfate and adularia-sericite (Hayba et aI., 1985; Heald et aI., 1987).
The adularia-sericite type originates under the activity of neutral solutions (pH 7) and both low temperature and salinity (Heald et aI., 1987; Berger and Henley (1989). It has also been described as low-sulfure (Bonham, 1984) or lowsulfidation type (Hedenquist, 1987; White and Hedenquist, 1995), due to the 2- valence of the sulfur and it presence as H2S. Mayer and Hemley (1967) show the presence of different types of K-feldspars, depending on the hydrothermal environment.
The firstly published data on the adulariasericite epithermal type in Bulgaria describes a case of adularization into propylites (Chipchakova, 1966). Later on such terms as: zones of adularization, quartz-adularia zones, quartzadularia and quartz-adularia-sericite metasomatites, adularites and quartz-adularites have been used (Радонова, 1970; Chipchakova, 1974; Велинов et aI., 1977; Янев and Караджова,1976; Велинов et aI., 1987; Кунов,1987; Arnaudova et aI., 1991; etc.). The term "adulariasericite" became to be used by Bulgarian authors since 1990 (Velinov and Nokov, 1991; Nokov and Hristova, 1992; Ноков and Христова, 1994; Kunov et aI., 1994; Кунов and Наков, 1996; etc.).
Klisoura occurence is located close to Klisoura Village, about 6 km west of the town of Bankya. Host rocks are Upper Cretaceous andesite pyroclastics, some andesite bodies and veins that form the core of Radui anticline – part of Viskyar-Vitosha synclinorium. The hydrothermallly altered rocks cover an area of about 2 km2 and are exposed around the intersection center of several fault systems. Кунов et al. (2000) described the occurence as epithermal, of acid-sulfate type.
The main aim of the present study is to trace the behaviour of rare elements in the process of advanced argillic alteration that lead to the formation of secondary quartzites in the occurrence. The conclusion are based on the distribution of rare elements in different alteration types – from less to more intensively altered varieties. Here, the term "zone" is used as a synonim of "hydrothermally altered rock type" since the latter forms the zones of hydrothermal alterations.
Samples from all alteration types were collected during the field studies. Materails from drillhole No3 (drilled in 1974) were also analyzed. The main components and 18 rare elements were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence and atomic absorption.
The interest in Svidnya potassic-alkaline magmatic association is determined by the specific mineral and chemical composition of the rocks, their genesis and geodynamic position as well as by the possibilities to use some of them as a complex mineral raw material. The present study is focused on the differentiation tendencies of the four phases, which produced the rocks of Svidnya association. This allows drawing some conclusions about the entire differentiation process.
The presented note is reporting some midterm results of the NATO "Science for Peace" Program Project SiP 973739 "WATMETAPOL" gained by scientists from the Geological Institute, BAS - Sofia (in collaboration with BRGM, Orleans - France and the University of Antwerp - Belgium) and financed for a period of 3 years (2001-2004) (224 000 EUR).
The main project goals are:
• To establish the distribution, speciation and interactions of heavy metal pollutants and As in soil surface and groundwater in the Plovdiv-Asenovgrad region and the pollutants changes with time;
•To develop a 3D GIS modeling of surface and groundwater pollution sensitivity and GIS based pollution-risk assessment tools and methods;
• To develop a predictive coupled geochemical and transport computer model for studying the evolution of the pollution with the aim of limiting its harmful effects.
The obtained results will be submitted to the end users: Ministry of Environment and Waters Government of Plovdiv Region, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
A method is proposed for the assessment of natural and exploitation resources of a kind of thermal aquifer widely distributed in Bulgaria. In order to describe the specific hydrogeological conditions in such aquifers an appropriate schematization is used, being at the same time some supplement to the work of Galabov et al. (1999)...
The anthropogenic factor is an equally important factor among the natural phenomena, changing the geological environment. It is displayed to a much higher extent than the natural processes in some sites as open-cast mines, quarries, aggregate quarries, tailing ponds, refuse dumps, landfills, etc. The natural environment is transformed within only a few years to such an outlook, which is impossible to acquire in the course of hundreds of years. A great part of the anthropogenic effects are analogous to the natural ones and have one and the same physical character. A corresponding technogenic analogue is correlated with each natural destructive geological process. However, the proceeding slow changes in nature in the course of hundreds and millions of years take place in a very short time – months and years, as a result of the anthropogenic impact. This impact is concentrated on relatively smaller areas compared to the general scale of the natural processes. The geological hazard in the case of technogenic processes ensues from the fast rates of their development and intensity in particular sites, when the geomorphological, hydrogeological and engineering geological conditions are drastically changed in a very short time. The so called anthropogenic relief is created, which changes radically the geological environment and redirects also the manifestation of the natural processes as the erosion, abrasion, suffusion, weathering, etc., creating at the same time new geostatic and geodynamic conditions by the changed loading in particular parts of the massif. The acting forces in the geological geological environment are redistributed and a new equilibrium is reached, when it is possible to activate processes as slow creep along the slopes with subsequent landslides. These are one of the most often displayed anthropogenic changes of the geological environment in the open-cast mine development. The stability of the newly formed slopes is always very important in the case of open-cast mine workings. Regardless of this fact, the preliminary calculations cannot always exclude landslide occurrence. There are many similar examples from the open-cast mines in "Maritsa-Iztok", "Medet", "Assarel", "Elatsite", "Pernik", "Kremikovtsi" and elsewhere.
The organism world of the planet, both in groups and single individuals, is subjected to many and diverse hazards, which are a part of its environment. In a certain inevitable moment one or several of these hazards become realized (Rn =1), thus ceasing the life of the organisms. This law has no exceptions and refers to allliving creatures, including man. However, this dismal picture possesses the inherent possibilities of postponing or reducing the hazards and science can do many substantial and useful contributions in this field...
The historical review of the seismic activity shows that strong earthquakes with destructive effects took place in the Sofia kettle. There are data for the display of sufficiently powerful seismic events in the Sofia zone that had been reflected in historical documents as early as in the XV century. Four strong earthquakes occurred in this region during the period from the beginning of the XIX century till now that caused significant damages, the most powerful one being in 1858 (intensity of IX degree according to the MSK-64 scale and magnitude of about 6.5-7.0).
According to the seismic zoning of Bulgaria for a period longer than 1000 years and average engineering geological conditions, the kettle falls entirely within a region with expected intensity of IX degree according to the MSK-64 scale with a seismic coefficient K = 0.27 (Boncev et aI., 1982; Norms for ..., 1987).
The engineering geological characteristics of the Sofia kettle are the basis for determining the influence of the soil conditions on the effects of the seismic activity. Complex geologicalgeophysical investigations were carried out in the Sofia kettle during the period 1967-1970 in connection with the seismic microzoning of the territory of the Sofia City and the Sofia basin. On the basis of the engineering geological studies and the micro-seismic investigations (Petkov, Christoskov, 1965; Demirev et aI., 1971; Petrov, Iliev, 1971), the first attempts for preliminary seismic micro-zoning of the Sofia City and its surroundings were made, which were applied in practice too. The coefficient of variation of the seismic intensity is calculated according to the formula of Medvedev, the parameters of the monzonites and syenites of the Vitosha pluton being considered as reference ones. The values of this coefficient reach up to 3, and for the most unfavorable ground conditions - even to 3.5.
The aim of this research is to check if the method used by Fisher (1991) can gave results, reflecting approximately the orbital cycles in the Milankovitch band. I used the following data: (1) thickness of the study interval – it was necessary to make new redescriptions of some important sections; (2) continuity (in Ma) of the study interval – it is referred to the Time scale used by Hardenbol et al. (1998, Charts 5, 7); (3) speed of sedimentation in Bubnoff units (Ma/meters); (4) number of couplets in the study interval; (5) thickness of a single couplets; (6) continuity (periodicity) of a couplet = average thickness of a couplet divided by the Bubnoff
units. In most of the cases the obtained periodicity of the couplets are closed to or coincide with the theoretical orbital cycles of the Milankovitch band: Eccentricity – El = 98 Ka; E2 =126 Ka (EI, 2 = 98-126 Ka); Obliquity = 41 Ka; Precession – PI = 19 Ka; P2 = 23 Ka (P = 19-23 Ka) (after Fischer, 1991, p.48).
I studied the limestone/marl couplets in the sections, where existed a good biostratigraphical control, based on ammonites (Sapunov, 1976a, b; 1977a, b; Sapunov in Sapunov et al., 1985, 1988, etc.), brachiopods (Tchoumatchenco, 1977) or calpionellids and precalpionellids (Lakova, 1993, Lakova et al., 1999, etc.). Here are shown the results obtained from the rocks of the Lower Jurassic – sections Berende Izvor, Komsh titsa; Aalenian-Lower Bathonian – section Zhablyano; Bathonian-Lower Callovian – section Koritarska Reka - Dolna Riksa; Callovian-Tithonian – sections Komshtitsa, Gorno Belotintsi, Belogradchik- Railway station Oreshets.
The Palaeozoic flysch sediments from outcrops in the region of Cherna Gora (Kraishte area) are investigated by sedimentologists in scope of flysch rhythmics and presence of different lithological types (Yanev, 1985).
Data about determined thickness and age of the lithostratigraphical units are analysed in the present study without commenting on the differences and analogies in sedimentological aspect that have served as argument in introducing three lithostratigraphical units, and namely, the Parchar, Tumba and Propalnitsa Formation.
The thickness and the age data in the formal introduction of the Parchar, Tumba and Propalnitsa Formation are pointed by Yanev, Spassov (1985).
Parchar Formation. The age of the Formation is determined on the base of conodonts as Late Givetian - Frasnian. The thickness is 640-770 m.
Tumba Formation. The Famennian age of the Formation is not supported by palaeontological data. Its stratigraphical position between dated sediments of Parchar and Propalnitsa Formation is an argument to assign Tumba Formation to the Famennian stage. Taken dimension of the apparent thickness is 45-250 m.
Propalnitsa Formation. The Formation according to determined macroflora is referred to the Late Famennian up to the Early Carboniferous for the uppermost parts of the Formation. The thickness is more than 540 m.
Carbonate sediments undergo gravitational loading or tectonic stress in burial environments (Wanless, 1979). The response of uncemented carbonate sediments to overburden is mechanical and/or chemical (intergranular pressure dissolution) compactions. The resulting limestones mainly acquire diagenetic structures as nodular, flaser, etc. In some cases the formation of secondary (burial) dolomite in limestones is related to pressure dissolution processes. Three different styles of pressure dissolution are distinguished: (1) fitted fabric; (2) dissolution seams and (3) stylolites (Clary and Martire, 1996).
Two examples of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous limestones of Western Bulgaria with different pressure dissolution fabrics are discussed in the present study: Callovian limestones of Gorni Lozen section and Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous limestones (Glozhene Fm.) of Komshtitsa, Barlya and Gorno Belotintsi sections.
The sedimentary fill of Sofia Basin represents a large variety of sedimentary rocks grouped into four lithostratigraphic units – variegated terrigenous formation, Gniljane, Novi Iskar and Lozenec Formations (Kamenov, Kojumdgieva, 1983) that represent the distinct stages of the basin evolution - alluvial, marshy-lacustrine and lacustrine.
The variegated terrigenous formation is presented by irregular alternation of clayshales, siltshales, sands and sandstones, varying in color. Gniljane Formation comprises conglomerates, sands and sandstones, siltstones and silty clayshales with lignite interbeds In the upper part (Balsha Member). Novi Iskar Formation comprises gray to gray-bluish clays, diatomaceous clays, silty clays and siltshales as well as varves, composed of alternation of carbonaceous and clayey siltshales. Lozenec Formation consists of irregular alternation of clays, siltshales, sands, and conglomerates with lignite interbeds (Novi Han Member) in the lowermost part of the formation and with micrite limestones (Bogiovci Member) in the upper part of the formation (Yaneva, 1998). The thickness of Neogene sediments in Sofia basin varies from 10 m in the borders up to 1400m in the central parts.
The Aegean sea basin is fed at its northern periphery by the complex fluvial systems of the rivers Vardar/Axios, Strouma/Strymon, Mesta/Nestos and Maritsa/Evros. At some stages of their evolution, these rivers formed real fluviolacustrine systems, and their onset and evolution could throw light on the Late Alpine geodynamics and the mechanisms of the opening of the Aegean. The complex fluviolacustrine systems were set on in Middle Miocene time, and fully developed in Late Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary times. Their onset and evolution are closely related to the complex rifting along the Vardar/Axios and Strouma/Strymon fault belts, and the motions along the North- Anatolian Fault Zone.
The present abstract has been published first in the Abstract CD-R Volume of the 17th Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association in September 2002. However, the limited circulation of the volume restricted the possibility to reach a larger number of interested geologists. A full publication of the results could be achieved through a paper in Geologica Carpathica, and the duly submitted (January 2002) manuscript has been accepted for publication by the Editorial Board (letter of 27.06.2002) but under the condition to enrich the paper with more facts, and in the same time, to proceed with a considerable shortening. In these circumstances, the author prefers to publish the abstract in a slightly enlarged form (two additional figures) in the present special issue, and to proceed with writing a book dedicated to the onset and evolution of the Strouma/Strymon and Mesta/Nestos fluviolacustrine systems in Neogene and Quaternary times...
The Apuseni-Banat-Timok-Srednogorie (ABTS) Magmatic and Metallogenic Belt can be traced from the Apuseni Mountains in the north, through the western part of the South Carpathians (Banat) in Romania, the Timok region in East Serbia, the Srednogorie zone (Bulgaria) and continues in Turkey through the Black Sea.
The basement belongs to the southern margin of the European continent. The ABTS Belt is unconformly superimposed on older structures, including the Early Cretaceous ones. Furthermore, it crosses the Vardar ophiolite suture in the Mures and Voevodina regions. These facts indicate a new stage in the alpine evolution which followed the subduction of the Vardar Ocean and subsequent collision. This new stage was characterized by an extensional geodynamic regime. The ABTS arcuate rift was formed as a result of postcollisional orogenic collapse.
The Late Cretaceous magmatic activity with submarine volcanic rocks and comagmatic intrusions began during the Cenomanian and ended during the Maastrichtian. Volcanic and associated predominantly flysch-type sedimentary deposits form a 2-3 to 7-8 km thick pile. The magma generation in ABTS extensional belt was realized in different depth level, which determines differences of melt compositions. Rock association of calc-alkaline, tholeitic, subalkaline and alkaline series are established. The petrologic features of the alkaline and subalkaline rocks and several Sr isotope analyses show the mantle origin of the parent magma. The calc-alkaline magma was generated predominantly around the boundary between mantle and lower crust.
Porphyry copper and copper massive sulphide deposits are the most important. Some of them have an economical content of gold and/or molybdenum. There are skarn and vein type copper deposits, too. Other important deposits are iron, tungsten-molybdenum and lead-zinc skarn deposits. Besides, small hydrothermal base metal-gold, barite, porphyry gold, silver and volcano-sedimentary iron-manganese deposits are known. The plutonic, subvolcano-plutonic, volcano-plutonic, volcano-subvolcanic and volcanic ore-bearing structures are distinguished. The geochemical associations show the predominance of mantle sources of the ore-forming fluids.
П. Попов, Т. Берза, А. Грубич, Д. Йоане. Позднемеловой магматический и металлогенический пояс Апуссены-Банат-Тимок-Средногорие (АБТС) в Карпато-Балканском орогене. Магматический и металлогенический пояс Апуссены-Банат-Тимок-Средногорие (АБТС) начинается с Апуссенских гор (с севера), проходит через западную часть Южных Карпат (Банат - в Румынии), через Тимокский район (в восточной Сербии) и далее, охватывая Средногорскую зону (Болгария), продолжается через Черное море на территории Турции.
Его основание принадлежит к южной окраине Европейского континента. АБТС пояс наложен несогласно на более древние, вкл. раннемеловые структуры. Более того - в районах Муреш и Воеводина он пересекает Вардарскую офиолитовую зону. Это показывает, что образование пояса связано с новым этапом альпийской эволюции, наступившим после субдукции Вардарского океана и последовавшей за ней коллизией. Этот новый этап протекал в условиях экстенсионного геодинамическото режима, а пояс оформлен в результате постколизионного обрушения орогенной постройки.
Характерная для пояса позднемеловая магматическая активность с ее субаквальными вулканическими породами и комагматическими интрузиями началась в сеномане и закончилась в маастрихте. Вулканические породы и ассоциирующие с ними осадочные отложения преимущественно флишевого типа слагают разрезы мощностью в 2-3 до 7-8 km. Генерирование магмы в АБТС поясе осуществлялось на разных глубинах, что и определило различия в составе расплавов. Ассоциации пород принадлежат к известково-щелочной, толеитовой, субщелочной и щелочной сериям. Петрологические особенности щелочных и субщелочных пород и данные по Sr-изотопам указывают на мантийный генезис расплавов. Известково-щелочные магмы генерировались преимущественно в зоне между мантией и нижней корой.
Самыми важными для пояса являются сульфидные медные оруденения (вкрапленные и массивные). Некоторые из них содержат промышленные количества золото и/или молибдена. Кроме того установлены медные месторождения скарнового и жильного типа. Важное значение имеют железные, оловяно-молибденовые и свинцово-цинковые скарновые месторождения. Кроме того в обхвате пояса размещены небольшие полиметаллические - золотые, баритовые, вкрапленные золотые и серебряные, а также вулканогенно-осадочные железо-марганцевые месторождения. Выявлены плутонические, субвулканические-плутонические, вулканические-плутонические и вулканические рудовмещающие структуры. Геохимические ассоциации указывают на преимущественно мантийные источники рудогенерирующих флюидов.
This paper presents the results of taxonomic and biostratigraphic investigations on the Upper Toarcian ammonite genera Grammoceras, Pseudogrammoceras and Podagrosites, derived from the Ozirovo Formation in the Western and Central Balkan Mountains (Bulgaria). It is based on the re-examination of almost all of old Bulgarian material, collected from the middle of the 40s to the end of 60s of last century, as well as on the ammonites obtained by the author in some new localities in course of the last few years. 23 taxa of species group of these three genera are described and figured. The Grammoceras thouarsense, Pseudogrammoceras mediterraneum and Pseudogrammoceras fallaciosum ammonite Biozones are described and compared to their contemporaneous equivalents of the zonal scheme proposed for the Toarcian by French Jurassic Working Group (Elmi, Rulleau, Gabilly & Mouterde, 1997).
Л. Методиев. Grammoceras, Pseudogrammoceras и Podagrosites (Grammoceratinae, Ammonitina) с верхнего тоара Балканского региона (Болгария). Таксономия и биостратиграфия. Настоящая работа посвящена таксономическому и биостратиграфическому изучению верхнетоарских аммонитных родов Grammoceras, Pseudogrammoceras и Podagrosites, происходящих с отложении Озировской свиты Западного и Центрального Балкана Болгарии. Материалом для данной работы послужила коллекция аммонитов, собранная с срединны 40-ых до конца 60-ых годов прошлого столетия, а также екземпляры коллекционированные автора в течение последных нескольков лет. Описаны и фигурираны были 23 таксоны видовой группы с исследованых аммонитных родов. Аммонитные биозоны Grammoceras thouarsense, Pseudogrammoceras mediterraneum и Pseudogrammoceras fallaciosum были характеризированы и сопоставлены с их едновозрастовых еквивалентов зональной схемы Тоарского яруса Французкой Работной Группы по Юрской системы (Elmi, Rulleau, Gabilly & Mouterde, 1997).
Results from X-ray diffraction analyses of Albian phosphorites from deposits Sanadinovo, Dekoy and Brushlen indicate presence mainly of fluorapatite and partly of chlorapatite and carbonate fluorapatite (francolite). The microprobe analyses of phosphate grains, coatings, cements, ammonite, wood, and shark tooth determined the following contents (in weight %): 26,65-41,02 P2O5 45,19-57,17 CaO, 2,58-4,64 F, up to 0,80 CI, and silicate components from the admixtures in phosphate minerals. Fifteen crystallochemical formulae were calculated. They are characteristic with Ca9.54-9.58[PO4]5.77-5.78FI1.48-2.81 and Cl0.06-0.30. Generally fluorapaiIte was determimid in 9 samples; and chlorine containing fluorapatite - in 6 samples.
The exemplary crystallochemical formulae are:
Ca9.54[PO4]5.78F2.75 - fluorapatite
Ca9.58[PO4]5.77F1.94CI0.30 - chlorine containing fluorapatite
The presence of CO3- and OH in the phosphate minerals was not substantiated by direct data. The studied phosphate minerals show high solubility in lemon acid (30-80%). This indicates defects in the crystal lattices caused by the presence of chlorine and most probably of carbonate group.
И. Начев. Фосфатные минералы альбских фосфоритов в Болгарии. Альбские фосфориты из месторождений Санадиново, Деков и Брышлян исследованы рентгено-структурным дифракционным методом. Установлено, что фосфориты сложены главным образом фторапатитом (франколитом). Под электронным микроскопом исследованы фосфатные зерна, внешние зоны зерен, образцы цимента, аммонит, обломок древесины и акулий зуб. Исследования показали, что фосфаты содержат (в весовых %): Р2О – 26,65-41,02%; СаО – 45,19-57,17%; F – 2,58-4,64%; Cl – более 0,80%, а также – силикатны компонент, котороы смешан с фосфотными минералами. Вычислено 15 кристаллохимических формул.
Для них характерны следующие соотношения:
Са9,54-9,58[PO4]5,77-5,78F1,48-2,81 и Cl0,06-0,30. Хлорапатит с представителной формулой Са9,54[PO4]5,78F2,75 установлен в 9 образцах, а хлор-содержащий фторапатит (представительная формула - Са9,58[PO4]5,77F1,94Cl0,30) – в 6 образцах.
Присуствие СО3- и ОН в фосфатных минералах не доказано непосредственно. Фосфатные минералы слабо растворяются в 30-80% ли монной кислоте. Эта особенность связана с дефектами кристаллов в связи с присуствием хлора и по всей вероятности – карбонатной группы.
On 17th August and 12th November 1999 the wider area of Yalova, Gölcük, Izmit, Adapazari, Düzce, Kaynasli and Bolu, to the south-southeast of Istanbul (Turkey) was hit by two seismic shocks with magnitude MW = 7.4 and MW = 7.1, respectively. The two events are attributed to reactivation of two adjacent segments of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, a major E-W right-lateral strike-slip fault zone that runs across Turkey. The earthquakes produced surface ruptures over a distance of at least 150 km, as well as settlement, soil fissures, liquefaction, landslides, tsunamis and subsidence. In both cases, the damage distributed was mainly along an E-W aligned zone more than 180 km long and a few km wide. Damage and intensity evaluation followed the EMS1992 and the updated EMS1998 scales. The maximum mtensities approached XII in both earthquakes. Intensity maps show alignment parallel to the strike of the seismic faults, with local variations due to geometry and kinematics of certain tectonic structures. Intensities were considerably amplified locally by accompanying geodynamic phenomena. High intensities were also recorded at long epicentral due to a combination of factors, such as earthquake frequency content, local site conditions and construction type. Finally, intensities exhibited an exponential development in places where the two earthquakes affected the constructions sequentially.
The paper presents description and illustrations of 10 Normapolles species obtained from the conglomeratic formation near Panagyurishte and Strelcha and new for the Bulgarian palynoflora. They belong mainly to the genera Nudopollis, Oculopollis, Semioculopollis and Interporopollenites. The taxa are considered to be stratigraphically important. Their concurrent ranges and correlation to the already known assemblages of the same age in the Normapolles province suggests a latest Maastrichtian to early Paleocene (most probably Danian) age for the conglomeratic formation.
Полина Павлишина. Данские Normapolles из конгломератной тольщи в районе Панагюрище и Стрелча (Средняя гора, Болгария). В статье представленно таксономическое описание и иллюстрированны десять вида Normapolles из конгломератной тольщи в районе Панагюрище и Стрелча. Они являются новыми для болгарской палинофлоры и принадлежат главно к следующим родам: Nudopollis, Oculopollis, Semioculopollis и Interporopollenites. Установленнные виды считаются страгитрафические важными. Их параллельное распространение и корреляция с известными уже одновозрастными ансамблями в рамких микрофлористической провинции Normapolles датирует позднемаастрихтский – раннепалеоценский (вероятно данский) возраст для конгломератной тольщи.
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