Condita anno 1934 a Prof. Dr Stefan Bončev

A Geo-Sciences Journal of the Geological Institute “Strashimir Dimitrov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Official Journal of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association

Geologica Balcanica publishes contributions to:

  • Palaeontology and stratigraphy;
  • Sedimentology;
  • Geochemistry;
  • Isotope geology and geochronology;
  • Mineralogy;
  • Magmatic and metamorphic petrology;
  • Tectonics and structural geology;
  • Regional geology;
  • Geology of deposits;
  • Earthquake geology;
  • Engineering geology;
  • Hydrogeology.

History and Scope of Geologica Balcanica


The journal Geologica Balcanica was founded in 1934 by Prof. Stefan Bončev. The journal has played a significant role in the dissemination of regional and conceptual contributions within the framework of geological sciences in the Balkans. Since 2008, Geologica Balcanica is the official journal of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA). It is published three times a year by the Geological Institute “Strashimir Dimitrov” of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.


Geologica Balcanica welcomes original manuscripts covering all aspects of the geology of the Balkan Peninsula and surrounding regions. It is devoted primarily to research papers, but short communications reflecting interesting results, regional syntheses, reviews, and book reviews may also be considered. Short contributions and abstracts from recent workshops, symposia, congresses, and any relevant scientific activity could also be accepted.


2019–present (Vol. 48, three issues annually)

2018–2017 (Vol. 47-46, two issues annually)

Chief Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr Lubomir Metodiev


2016–2011 (Vol. 46–40, one issue annually)

Chief Editor: Prof. Dr Iskra Lakova

International Editorial Board (since 2011).

2010–2009 (Vol. 39–38, two issues annually)

Chief Editor: Prof. Peter Marchev, DSc

2010 (Vol. 39, Issues 1–2): XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Abstracts.

Language: English

2008–1991 (Vol. 37–21): 2008–2005 (two issues annually); 2004–1996 (four issues annually); 1995–1991 (six issues annually)

Chief Editor: Prof. Ivan Zagorchev, DSc

In 1998, Geologica Balcanica became the official journal of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA).

2004 (Vol. 34, Issues 1–2): Special issue “Geodynamic hazards (earthquakes, landslides), Late Alpine tectonics and neotectonics in the Rhodope Region”

2001 (Vol. 31, Issues 1–2): Special Volume IGCP 469 “Late Westphalian terrestrial biotas and environments”

1996 (Vol. 26, Issue 1; Vol. 26, Issue 2): Special issues on Geological Heritage

A4 size of the journal, ISSN 0324-0894 (since 1996), International Advisory Board (since 1991). More than 600 research articles and short contributions. Papers available in electronic form (since 2006). Language: English (with Russian abstracts).

Geologica Balcanica

1990–1975 (Vol. 20–5): 1990–1983 (six issues annually); 1982–1975 (four issues annually). In 1986, Geologica Balcanica began a series of Special Publications.

Journal of the Geological Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Chief Editor: Acad. Prof. Ekim Bončev, DSc

Nine-member Editorial Board (1975), extended with Advisory Board of fifteen scientists (1976). More than 500 research papers and short contributions. Languages: English, French (with Russian abstracts); Russian (with English abstracts).
Size: 17×24 cm.


1951–1934 (Vol. 4–1)

In these earliest times, the Journal disseminated contributions to the geology of Bulgaria and the Balkans. Languages: German, French, and Bulgarian (with German and French abstracts).
Size: 16×24 cm.

1951 (Vol. 4, Issue 2–3); 1946 (Vol. 4, Issue 1); 1942 (Vol. 3, Issue 3)

Journal of the Geological Institute at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Chief Editor: Prof. Dr Stefan Bončev

1938 (Vol. 3, Issue 1); 1939 (Vol. 3, Issue 2); 1936 (Vol. 2, Issues 1–3); 1934 (Vol. 1, Issues 1–3)

Publisher and Chief Editor: Prof. Dr Stefan Bončev