In 1986 Geologica Balcanica began a series of special publications related to the research field of the Journal SERIES OPERUM SINGULORUM№ 1. Бончев, Еким – Балканидите – геотектонско положение и развитие (Bončev, Ekim – The Balkanides – geotectonic position and development). БАН, С., 1986. 274 с. (in Bulgarian, with Russian and English summaries). № 2. Nikolov, Todor – The Mediterranean Lower Cretaceous (Николов, Тодор – Нижний мел Средиземноморской области). Bulg. Acad. Sci., Sofia, 1987, 269 pp. (out of stock). № 3. Дабовски, Христо – Пукнатинни интрузии в Средногорието – структурен анализ, математически и лабораторни модели (Dabovski, Christo – Fissure intrusives in the Srednogorie Zone – structural analysis, mathematical and laboratory models). БАН, С., 1988. 180 с. (in Bulgarian, with Russian and English summaries). № 4. Чаталов, Георги – Геология на Странджанската зона (Čatalov, Georgi – Geology of Strandza zone). БАН, С., 1990. 263 с. (in Bulgarian, with Russian and English summaries). № 5. Stancheva, Maria – The Upper Miocene Ostracods from North Bulgaria (Станчева, Мария – Верхнемиоценовые остракоды Северной Болгарии). Bulg. Acad. Sci., Sofia, 1990, 111 pp. № 6. Иванов, Иван – Гранитните пегматити в България (Granitic pegmatites in Bulgaria). БАН, С., 1992. 206 с. (in Bulgarian, with Russian and English summaries). № 7. Йотов, Илия – Определяне на хидрогеоложките параметри на слоести водоносни пластове (Операционни методи). (Yotov, Ilia – Determination of hydraulic constants of layered aquifers. Operational methods). БАН, С., 1992. 108 с. (out of stock). Limited issues of special publications are available and may be ordered through the Geological Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 24, 1113 Sofia. |