The Chelopech region is the host of Europe's largest gold deposit Chelopech, and is situated about 65 km east of Sofia at the foot of Stara Planina Mountain. It is whithin the northhermost part of the Panagyurishte ore district which includes many large porphyry-Cu and epithermal deposits. The Panagyurishte ore district belongs to central Srednogorie volcano-intrusive area, and is part of the Srednogorie Late Cretaceous island arc (Dabovski et al., 1991). The area is charcterized by the development of Late Cretaceous volcano-plutonic complexes consisting mainly of andesites, dacites, granodiorites, and quartz-monzodiorites grouped in 4 temporal stages accordin to Lilov and Chipchakova (1999): Ist, >91; IInd, 91-88; IIIrd, 88-86; IVth, 67-65 Ma...