The Buntsandstein of the Teteven Anticlinorium in the Central Fore-Balkan (Northern Bulgaria) is a submature coarse sandy to gravelly fluvial succession that formed mainly as channel bars and sheets in shallow braided river systems in a proximal to near-medial position in front of the source area. The Buntsandstein succession exhibits a more or less (neglecting some probable minor Internal recurrent incisions) monocyclic evolution of fluvial style. The depositional history starts in the Lower Conglomerates with highly-braided cobbly to bouldery river systems operating both in a river plain and on alluvial-fan lobes that are patchily lined up along the mountain front and that pass both laterally and longitudinally into the braidplain system which is in places also directly emanating from the foothill belt. The evolution proceeds in the Middle Conglomerates and Sandstones by equalization of the differences of palaeoslope of the low-gradient alluvial fans and the braidplain with amalgamation to only one river plain system of highly to moderately-braided cobbly to pebbly type (lower part) and later moderately-braided pebbly to sandy nature (upper part). In the Upper Sandstones and Mudstones, more mature stages are reached including moderately- to weakly-bralded sandy river systems in the lower part and weakly braided sandy stream complexes in the upper part which finally pass into a sandy and muddy inland floodplain. With the inversion of the sand/mud-relationship and the first marine influences, the continental inland braidplain and floodplain system is converted into a coastal muddy and sandy floodplain in the terminal Mudstones.
Field data are used to describe fracture morphology and to determine fracture patterns in Mesozoic sediments of the Mikhajlovgrad Anticline within an Alpine-age folded belt. Tectonic stress fields are based on fracture patterns, which give orientations of the principal stress axes. The maximum principal axis was used in a vector trend analysis, showing the regional tendency of the orientation of this axis to follow dip directions. A descriptive model of fracture generation requires the existence of two stress fields, a tensile (creating joint set bc) and compressive (creating set ac and system hko), which should be repeated at least several times during tectonic evolution of the area. Fracturing is deformation in a brittle or quasibrittle medium with longitudinal cracks corresponding to the ac set. This study consisted of four phases: (1) field descriptions and measurements; (2) separation of fracture sets using stereographic projections; (3) construction of tectonic stress fields; and a (4) vector-trend analysis of principal stress axes.
I. Zagorčev, S. Moorbath. Rubidium-strontium isotopic data on the Paleozoic magmatism in the Trân District. Five whole-rock samples from biotite porphyroid granodiorites at the former mine “Zlata” define an isochron corresponding to an age of 414 ± 61 Ma, initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7058 ± 0.0013 and MSWD of 1.7. Therefore, the probable age of the latest intrusive phases of Ljuckan magmatic complex is Silurian. In view also of the predominantly gabbroic composition of the early magmatic phases it can be assumed that the whole complex was formed by consecutive intrusion and cooling of magmas produced through differentiation, fractionation and contamination of a primary magma of mantle origin. This igneous activity was of Caledonian age.
V.Ya. Vuks. Late Triassic foraminifers from the pebbles in the Dobrldol Formation, SW Bulgaria. A rich foraminifer complex has been found in limestone pebbles within the Dobridol Formation of the section Rajanci-West of the Trân-Vlahina tectonic unit. The age analysis of each species and of the whole association as well as the compared foraminiferal complexes from neighboring regions gives grounds to consider the foraminiferal complex of the pebbles as Late Triassic (possibly Norian).
S. Bakurdziev, L. Ratiev, О. Zakhariev, D. Vundev, P. Mateev. Prognostication and estimation of ore-bearing by means of nonparametric regression analysis, estimation of vector potential and its gradient. Two methods- kriging and trend-analysis are broadly used in ore-bearing estimation and prognostication. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. A methodology combining advantages of above methods and minimizing their shortcomings is proposed and discussed here. For the purpose a program NPLRG is written (by Vundev and Mateev) providing: 1) prognostication within three-dimensional regular (or irregular) grid; 2) field selection; 3) scaling along X, Y, Z; 4) selection of weight function; 5) selection of the number of variables (M ≤ 1O) and of their combinations. At any given point are found: 1) number of observations evaluated in calculations; 2) prognostication of the mean content; 3) 5-% level of significance of the prognostication; 4) prognostication gradient along three axes and its variance. This method was tested on ore bodies of different type – stratiform, lenses, veins, porphyry deposits, ore-bearing faults, ore columns, deep marine deposits of manganese concretions. The program provides also simulation of ore bodies of any form and display of numeric and graphic data using microprocessor technics.
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H. Dragiev. Role of Madan overthrust in generation of the metasomatic deposits Mogila and Osikovo in Central Rhodopes. The metasomatic Pb-Zn deposits in Central Rhodopes are related to several stratigraphic levels corresponding to carbonate formations. The most typical ones are located within the Madan ore field. Based on computer data processing of Mogila and Osikovo deposits are factors selected as controlling ore-bearing. Scarns are most informative prospecting and explorating criteria for ore bodies of this type. Pb-Zn mineralization, predominantly poor, is associated with post-mineral metasomatic quartz also. Computerized geometric evaluations show clear East-West orientation of ore bodies. This changes existing ideas of the indirect connection of W-NW faults and mineralization. Special attention is paid to the position and regional behaviour of the Madan overthrust. Its clarified new position introduces significant changes into lithostratigraphy of the ore field. The overthrust controls the thickness of rocks which, from lithostratigraphic view point, favor the generation of metasomatic deposits, prerequisites the range of mineralization and the anisotropy of the rock massif. The environmental model of metasomatic ore bodies generation is built up on the ground of the analysis made in this paper.
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