Kh. Khrischev, E. Vassilev, V. Georgiev, E. Kozhoukharov, N. Ruskova, S. Chochov, V. Shopov, D. Yankova. Lithostratigraphy and lithofacies features of Upper Quaternary deep sea sediments in the West Black Sea Depression. Two type of variability of macroscopic characteristic, were established in lithostratigraphic units Ia, Ib and Ic – vertical and horizontal. The first is expressed in the presence of packets of regional occurrence and stratigraphic sense. The horizontal compositional variability within the units reveal lithophacies which fix deviations from the type development.
The Neoeuxinian unit Ic is characterized by terrigeneous sediments with predominance of lutites. The following packet were divided from top to bottom: 1) carbonate ooze "Seekreide". 2) dovegrey clayey muds; 3) dark "hydrotroillite" muds: 4) multicoloured oxirlized clayey mud. In iudividual zones the content of sandy-silty component is higher and it can form independent interbeds.
The Holocene units Ib and Ia show a distinct lithofacies zoning related to the differentiation of two types of cementation – biogenic to the north and dominantly terrigenous to the south. The thickness of the Units increace with increasing terrigenous component. After the thickness reaches a critical value the marls grade to roqufort type (probably gas-hydrate).
In the type development of uni lb the following packets were traced from top to bottom: 1) light·and loose sapropelic oozes, 2) dark compac t sapropel, 3) grey-green clayey muds (transi tional packet lb-c). In case of large content of terrigenous component, clayey and silty lithofacies may be divided. A wash-oul over large areas was established between units Ib and lc.
Unit Ia in the type seclion is represented by carbonate coccolithic oozes. To the south clayey, silly and sandy lithofacies are divided. In the latter turbidites made up of material from the Anatolian province play a consider ablerole.
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The present complex structure of SE Strandza is a result of two superimposed deformation event : Late Cimmerian (?) thrusting and Subhercynian (?) folding.
Two main Late Cimmerian (?) regional tectonic unit are divided: autochthon (Paleozoic granite, Triassic and Lower-Middle Jurassic sediments of Subbalkanide type) and allochthon (Strandža type Triassic). The allochthon consists of two subunits. The lower nappe is made up of the dominantly carbon ate rock of Malko Tarnovo, Kondolovo and Lipačka Formations (Middle – Upper Triassic) and the upper – of various metasediments and rare metavolcanics of Gramatikovo, Zaberska, Strȃvnica and Stoilovo Formations (Lower - Middle Triassic, possibly Paleozoic).
The metamorphic zoning is inverted: greenschist facies in the upper nappe and local, very low-grade metamorphism in the lower nappe and the autochthon.
The Late Cimmerian (?) phases of fold deformation in the autochthon and the lower nappe are similar: D1 – recumbent folds; D2 – upright folds; D3 – kink-bands. The upper nappe shows different pattern: D1 – intrafolial folds; D2 – recumbent fold; D3 – upright and N vergent folds of variable morphology; D4 – upright open folds; D5 – kink-zones. The intrafolial folds D1 in the upper nappe are synchronous to greenschist metamorphism which took prior to the formali on of nappes, in other SPT conditions. D2, D3 and D5 in the upper nappe are correlated with D1, D2 and D3 in the lower nappe and the autochthon. They are probably synchronous to the thrusting and the associated very low-grade metamorphism.
The region studied is a specific tectonic knot due to the marine continuation of dry land first-order morphostructures described in the literature. The position and tectonic activization of morphostructures of lower taxonomic rank predestined the basic pattern of the ancient river valley network in the shelf. Among them Rezovo graben is of particular interest. It is located between the periclinal parts of Southeastern Strandža Mountain and the Northern Pontides. During the regressive stages in the development of the Black Sea basin two main river systems developed on the shell – that of Paleo-Sredecka River which follows the axis of Burgas depression and that of Paleo-Veleka – along the axis of Primorsko negative morphostructure.
The southeastern centricline of Primorsko depression, cut from the south by the East Rezovo fault, was the location of the Rezovo paleo-lake in which Paleo-Veleka and Paleo-Rezovska emptied. From this lake eastwards ran the largest river Paleo-Veleka which was controlled by the subparallel East Rezovo fault and a number of local positive fault-bound structures. A considerable in size buried shelf delta of Paleo-Veleka has been established in the periphery of the shell. On the continental rise the fairway of this river is related along a considerable distance to the southern margin of Rezovo neotectonic graben. The results obtained and the conclusions drawn enable a considerable widening of the perspectives for prospecting for placer raw materials, construction materials, oil and gas.
V.M. Georgiev. Magnesian calcite and the problem of the origin of carbonates in the deep-sea Old Black Sea sediments. The Old Black Sea (Lower-Middle Holocene) deep-sea sediments in the Black Sea basin contain carbonate laminae with a fixed position in the section – in the base of the typical sapropelic muds. The areal distribution of these laminae covers the whole continental slope and rise. They are usually lacking in the sediments of the abyssal plain. XRD, SEM and EDS' studies show that the laminae comprise mainly authigenic carbonates – aragonite and magnesian calcite. Aragonite occurs as elongated rice-shaped monocrystals or as diverse aggregates of elongated crystal platelets. The magnesian calcite (6–14 mol % MgC03) forms aggregates of isometric grains with submicritic dimensions between the aragonite grains or individual laminae consisting of idiomorphic rhombohedral and/or skeleton crystals. Low-magnesian calcite is also found sometimes. Usually it is related to Hollocene coccoliths without traces of recrystallization. The laminae do not show traces of lithification. A hemogenic-synsedimentary genesis of the carbonate laminae is suggested; their mineral composition witnesses marine chemical composition of the initial solutions with a high Mg/Ca ratio
Three sеdimentation cycles have been differential din the Neogene grabens along the valley of the Struma river, correlated and dated after the relations between the sediments and after Mammals finds. I cycle (Middle Miocene – Vallesian) – only in Sandanshi Graben, active faults with fanglomerates –Petrovo and southern part of the West-Pirin faults. II cycle (Maeotian = Lower-Middle Turolian) – in Sandanski, Strumešnica, Simitli and Blagoevgrad Grabens, active faults with fanglomeratcs – Podgorie, Petrovo, Krupnik and West-Rila faults. Ill cycle (Pontian = Middle-Upper Turolian and probably also Lower Pliocene) – in Sandanki, Strumešnica, Oštava, Simitli and Blagoevgrad Grabens, active faults with fanglomeratcs – Podgorie, Melnik, West-Pirin and west Rila faults. After the third cycle (probably in Eopleistocne) the uplifting of the western horsts and the intensive faulting have formed block with a monoclinal dip of the Neogene beds toward the East, opposite to the facies zonality. The Podgorie, Petrovo, West-Pirin, Krupnik and West Rila faults were also reactivated.
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