Bibliographies of references devoted to the geology of the Balkan Peninsula have periodically been annotated in Geologica Balcanica in earlier times, since many publications were either of a limited distribution or printed in native languages of the Balkan authors and, therefore, could not reach a wider international audience. At these times, the Editorial Board of Geologica Balcanica believed that “Bibliographia balcanica” would help readers of our journal stay informed about the news and achievements in the geology of the Balkan countries. Despite the rapid development of communication technologies over the last few decades, there are numerous works from Bulgaria that still remain poorly known both in our country and elsewhere. In this issue, we have compiled a reference list of Bulgarian doctoral dissertations in the field of geology defended in the last twenty years. As a rule, doctoral dissertations in Bulgaria remain unpublished and their authors often publish their results in research articles only partially. We are aware that the present bibliography may be incomplete and all works are written in Bulgarian; nevertheless, we believe that the references listed herein will be useful to our readers, since they would give them an idea about what contributions have been made during the last two decades.