The most representative subsurface section of the Famennian carbonate succession from the Moesian Platform in Bulgaria occurs in the R-2 Preslavtsi well. Nine microfacies types (MFTs 1–9) have been distinguished and described in the intraclastic and peloidal limestone unit and the organogenic limestone unit. They are grouped in four microfacies associations: 1) protected shallow subtidal (lagoon) (MFT 1, bioclastic-peloidal packstone/grainstone; and MFT 2, oncoidal wackestone); 2) wave-dominated shallow subtidal (MFT 3, intraclastic-peloidal grainstone and rudstone; MFT 4, oncoidal rudstone; MFT 5, peloidal-bioclastic packstone and grainstone); 3) reef (MFT 6, solenoporacean-calcimicrobial-stromatoporoid boundstone; MFT 7, crinoid-stromatoporoid floatstone); and 4) open-marine (MFT 8, bioclastic wackestone/packstone with intraclasts and peloids; and MFT 9, bioclastic wackestone and packstone). The carbonate deposits are interpreted as formed in various shallow- to open-marine environments at or above the fair-weather wave base (MFTs 1–7) and below it (MFTs 8 and 9). Most of the described microfacies are comparable with Wilson’s (1975) Standard Microfacies Types.
microfacies, Famennian, Devonian, Moesian Platform, Bulgaria