Geological Institute of Serbia, Rovinjska 12, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
A beryl crystal from Cer Mt. (Serbia) studied in this paper was characterized by means of XRPD and wet-chemical analyses. It has following unit cell dimensions: a = 9.2166(8) Å, c = 9.192(1) Å, V = 676.2(1) Å3 and ratio c/a = 0.9973. According to the calculated c/a ratio and structural formula of (Be2.86Li0.11)2.97(Al1.96Fe2+0.05)2.01Si5.96O18(Na0.09Ca0.03Mg0.03K0.01)0.16 × 0.14H2O composition, this sample belongs to the “normal beryl group”. The obtained characteristics prove that the host pegmatite is of Li-bearing type.