Researches took place in the South of Georgia (Guria region). Studied geological sections lie 1.5-4 km from the present Black Sea coastline. Pleistocene marine sediments are represented by terraces located at different hypsometric levels with maximum height 120 m on the mountain of Tsvermaghala. Due to neotectonic movement, the Old Euxinic sediments are located at the higher hypsometric level than the younger Uzunlarian and Karangatian. In the region under study the background sediment of the base of Old Euxinic sections, are mud deposits, upward they gradually pass to fine and middle size sands. The base sediment probably was deposited in offshore zone at a depth until approximately 50 m. The Uzunlarian and Karangatian sediments are represented by typical shore zone sediments. Uzunlarian sediments unconformably overlie the inverted Miocene. The base of these sediments contains abrasion clay blocks of the before Pleistocene age. Chemical analysis of the Pleistocene and contiguous resent Black Sea shore sediments on metal content reveals similarity of feeding provinces. The higher contents of manganese and nickel in the resent sediments are caused by anthropogenic factor. Stratigraphy of the studied region is based on the mollusk and ostracode faunistic complexes. Old Euxinic sedimentation conditions were more favorable for the fauna conservations than Uzunlarian and Karangatian ones, which contains very poor fauna and boundary between them is conventional.