A new collection of Oligocene fossil woods coming from the Great Curvature of Carpathians, Romania, define a very new area for petrified woods occurrence which deserves a special interest because its age and its novelty. Beside this, it’s a region where amber appears within formation of the same age and a relation between is to be searched since a clear connection of amber and amber-generator tree never has been found. Previously in this area only some Oligocene petrified woods found and identified as species of Sequoioxylon gypsaceum (GOEPP.) GREGUSS, Laurinoxylon murgoci PETRESCU and Icacinoxylon sp. were cited. Also by the analysis of pollen grains preserved in amber, beside conifers, oaks and elms have been identified within that forest (Cupuliferoidaepollenites liblarensis, Ulmipollenites undulosus) indicating a Mixed Mesophytic Forest – otherwise a typical Oligocene Carpathian vegetation. The new collection of petrified woods found in a large area within Carpathians’ Curvature have been studied and identified as morphotaxa belonging to Conifers or Angiosperms and recent field trips in that area let us to hope more than this.