In Latvia local dolomite has been used for architectural buildings that nowadays are a significant part of Cultural Heritage. However there is a lack of scientifically founded and approbate methodology on recognition of dolomite lithological types in Architectural Heritage. The current work is aimed to evaluate application in situ of methodology on recognition and identification of the Upper Devonian dolomite lithological types and to study decay forms of individual lithological type in order to evaluate decay processes of dolomite in Architectural Heritage. Methodology is based on structurally genetic classification system according to in situ simply readable complex of rock’s macroscopic features: texture, fabric, colour and related physical/mechanical and durability properties. Expression of results is based on cartographical method used in conservation practice. Methodology on recognition and identification of lithological types of the Upper Devonian dolomite has been approbate and could be recommended as the non-destructive preliminary rock’s investigation method in Architectural Heritage Monuments. Study of decay forms of individual lithological dolomite type concludes that correlation between rock’s intrinsic properties could be establish, however up to date obtained results are insufficient to recommend this methodology for evaluation of weatherability of lithological dolomite types.