The present geoconservation network in Poland comprises 67 nature reserves, about 1600 nature monuments and 80 documentary sites as well as complex sites protected in 22 national parks and 106 landscape parks. Numerous other localities are proposed for legal conservation. According to results of evaluation and selection 84 site-sets and individual sites are designated to the European List of Geosites compiled by lUGS in collaboration with ProGEO Association. This draft list corresponds to the diversity of geological formations and landforms of Poland. Pre-Quaternary structures connected with Caledonian, Variscan and Alpine orogenic cycles are accessible on the surface in Southern Poland while the northern part of the country is covered with Pleistocene deposits. Stratotypes and reference sections of lithostratigraphic units, fossil-bearing deposits. sedimentary and tectonic structures. Karst areas, forms of structural relief as well as the most interesting landforms are the main types of subjects recommended to the Euro-list. The proposed framework is opened to be supplemented and verified.