Geologically interesting localities along the Slovenian part of Istria and the Adriatic Sea

pp. 51-55
Geology and Palaeontology, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 2, 61000 Ljubljana
Geology and Palaeontology, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 2, 61000 Ljubljana
Institute of the Slovenian Republic for Conservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage, Plečnikov trg 2, 61000 Ljubljana

Many geological sites of interest that should be included in the Balkan Geological Heritage List crop out in the Slovenian part of Istria and the Adriatic coast. The following geosites should be noted: 1) flysch sedimentary rocks between Piran and Isola; 2) limestoness with Alveolina sp. and nummulites in the imbricated structures of Čičarija; 3) the tectonic imbricated Čičarija structures; 4) Palaeolithic sites; 5) caves of Skocjanska Jama; 6) the Paleocene Kozina Beds; 7) Upper Cretaceous Vreme Beds; 8) the basal Paleogene flysch beds under Vremaščica east of Pivka.

Р. Павловец, В. Похар, Б. Хлад. Интересные геологические объекты вдоль словенской части Истрии и адриатического nобережья. Вдоль словенской части Истрии и адриатического побережья обнажаюстя многие геологические объекты, которые должны быть включены в Балканском списке геологического наследства. Следует отметитъ: 1) флишевие осадочные породы между Пиран и Изола, 2) известняки с альвеолинами и нуммулитами в чешуях Чичария, 3) тектонические чешуйчатые структуры Чичария, 4) палеолитические стоянки, 5) пещеры Скоцянская яма, 6) палеоценовые пласты Козина, 7) верхнемеловые пласты Време, и 8) базальные палеогеновые флишевые отложения под Времшчицой восточнее Пивки.


geological heritage, Slovenia, Adriatic coast


VOLUME 26 (2)/June 1996 Geological Heritage in South-East Europe

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Instituti i Studimeve dhe Projectimeve te Gjeologjise, Blloku "Vasil Shanto", Tirana, Albania

Institute of Palaeontology and Quaternary Geology, Croatian Academy of Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia

Institute for Protection of Natural Rarities, Skopie
Institute for Protection of Natural Rarities, Skopie

Geological Institute of Romania, Caransebeş Str., 1, 78344 Bucharest, Romania

Institute of Regional Geology and Plaeontology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Kamenicka Str. 6, P.O.Box 227, Belgrade
Institute of Regional Geology and Plaeontology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Kamenicka Str. 6, P.O.Box 227, Belgrade

Institute of Regional Geology and Palaeontology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Kamenička Str. 6, P.O.Box 227, 11001 Belgrade
Institute of Regional Geology and Palaeontology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Kamenička Str. 6, P.O.Box 227, 11001 Belgrade

Geology and Palaeontology, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 2, 61000 Ljubljana
Geology and Palaeontology, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 2, 61000 Ljubljana
Institute of the Slovenian Republic for Conservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage, Plečnikov trg 2, 61000 Ljubljana

Geology and Palaeontology, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva, 2, 61000 Ljubljana
Geology and Palaeontology, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva, 2, 61000 Ljubljana
Institute of the Slovenian Republic for Conservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage, Plečnikov trg 2, 61000 Ljubljana