Lower Triassic conodont stratigraphy

pp. 97-109
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, 11 000 Belgrade

A conodont stratigraphic subdivision of the Lower Triassic is made, and considerations about the Permian/Triassic boundary are developed. Data received during the last few years are generalized with emphasis laid on results obtained on conodonts found by the authors in their samples from the Himalayas and different parts of Europe. The conventional Permian/Triassic boundary is situated in the stratigraphic range of Clarkina subcarinata-Anchignathodus typicalis C.-R.-Z. although as an alternative possibility (based on conodont, ammonite and other faunas) the base of Kashmirella kummeli R.-Z. is indicated. The conodont subdivision of the Lower Triassic is based upon 14 conodont zones as follows: Clarkina subcarinataAnchignathodus typicalis C.-R.-Z., Anchignathodus parvus L-Z., Isarcicella isarcica R.-Z., Clarkina carinata A.-Z. – for the Griesbachian (Lower Induan); Kashmirella kummeli R.-Z., Neospathodus dieneriNeospathodus cristagalli C.-R.-Z., and parts of Kashmirella nepalensis R.-Z. – for the Dienerian (Upper Induan); middle and upper parts of Kashmirella nepalensis R.-Z., Neospathodus waageni A.-Z., Scythogondolella milleri R.-Z. and Parachirognathus – Furnischius Beds – for the Smithian (Lower Olenekian), and Neospathodus triangularis - Neospathodus hommeri A.-Z., Platyvillosus – Foliella Beds and Kashmirella timorensis R.-Z., – for the Spathian (Upper Olenekian). The boundary between the Lower and Upper Triassic is set with proving of the Kasmirella gondolelloides R.-Z.

К. Будуров, М. Судар. Нuжнетрuасовая конодонтная стратиграфия. Проведено конодонтное стратиграфическое расчленение нижнего триаса с обсуждением вопроса о границе пермь-триас. Сделано обобщение и актуализация полученных данных за последние годы, но акцент поставлен на результаты исследования собранных авторами конодонт из Гималаев и из разных частей Европы. Конвенциональная граница пермь-триас попадает в стратиграфический охват Clarkina subcarinata – Anchignathodus typicalis C.-R.-Z., но как альнернативная возможность по конодонтам, аммонитам и другой фауне указаны низы Kashmirella kummeli R.-Z. Полное конодонтное расчленение нижнего триаса обосновано на 14 конодонтных зонах, а именно: для грийсбаха (нижний индский ярус) – Clarkina subcarinata – Anchignathodus typicalis C.-R.-Z., Anchignathodus parvus I.-Z., Isarcicella isarcica R.-Z., Clarkina carinata A.-Z.; для динерского (верхний индский ярус) – Kashmirella kummeii R.-Z., Neospathodus dieneri – Neospathodus cristagalli C.-R.-Z. и часть Kashmirella nepalensis R.-Z.; для смитского (нижний оленекский ярус) средние и верхние части Kashmirella nepalensis R.-Z., Neospathodus waageni A.-Z., Scythogondolella тillегi R.-Z. И Parachirognathus – Furnishius Beds; для спатского (верхний оленекский ярус) – Neospathodus triangularis – Neospathodus hommeri A.-Z., Platyvillosus – Foliella Beds и Kashmirella timorensis R.-Z. Установлением Kashmirella gondolelloides R.-Z. проведена граница между нижним и средним триасом.


VOLUME 25 (3-4)/August 1995

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

LEPL Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology, Department of Tectonics, Regional Geology and Seismotectonics

Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Shimane University, Nishikawatsu 1060, Matsue 690, Japan
Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Shimane University, Nishikawatsu 1060, Matsue 690, Japan

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, 11 000 Belgrade

Institute of Applied Mineralogy, 92 Rakovski Str., Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1000 Sofia
Department of Geochemistry, 15 Tzar Osvoboditel Str., University of Sofia, 1000 Sofia
Institute of Applied Mineralogy, 92 Rakovski Str., Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1000 Sofia
Institute of Applied Mineralogy, 92 Rakovski Str., Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1000 Sofia