Turonian ammonites from Breznik area (Southwestern Bulgaria)

pp. 31-44
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Six Turonian ammonite species from the region between the towns of Breznik and Trăn are determinated: Lewesiceras peramplum (Mantell), Collignoniceras woollgari (Mantell), C. carolinum (d’Orbigny), C. bravaisianum (d’Orbigny), Subprionocyclus neptuni (Geinitz) and Scaphites genitzii (d’Orbigny). They belong to 4 genera and 3 families of Ammonitina and Ancyloceratina suborders. Two of them, C. bravaisianum and S. neptuni, are described for the first time in Bulgaria. All of the established species are important for the Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy, especially Collignoniceras woollgari and Subprionocyclus neptuni, which are zonal indexes of the standard Middle and Upper Turonian ammonite zones of the same name.

В. Минев. Туронские аммониты из района Брезника (Юго-Западная Болгария). Представлены 6 туронских аммонитных видов из района между городами Брезник и Трын; Lewesiceras peramplum (Mantell), Collignoniceras woollgari (Mantell), C. carolinum (d'Orbigny), C. bravaisianum (d'Orbigny), Subprionocyclus neptuni (Geinitz) и Scaphites genitzii (d'Orbigny). Они принадлежат к 4 родам и 3 семействам подотрядов Ammonitina и Ancyloceratina. Два из них, C. bravaisianum и S. neptuni, описываются впервые в Болгарии. Все установленные виды имеют важное значение для стратиграфии верхнего мела. Collignoniceras woollgari и Subprionocyclus neptuni являются индексовым для стандартных одноименных зон турона.


VOLUME 24 (4)/August 1994

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Department of Geology and Paleontology, Sofia University, 1000 Sofia
Laboratory of Geomagnetism, Institute of Earth's Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 121 810 Moscow
Laboratory of Geomagnetism, Institute of Earth's Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 121 810 Moscow
Laboratory of Geomagnetism, Institute of Earth's Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 121 810 Moscow

Geology and Geophysics Corporation, 16 Dr G. M. Dimitrov Blvd, 1797 Sofia
Geology and Geophysics Corporation, 16 Dr G. M. Dimitrov Blvd, 1797 Sofia
Geology and Geophysics Corporation, 16 Dr G. M. Dimitrov Blvd, 1797 Sofia