New Triassic and Jurassic radiolarians of superfam. Archecyrtoidea from Bulgaria and some regions of the USSR

pp. 25-44
Vsesoyuznyi Geologicheskyi lnstitul ( VSEGE!), 199026 Leningrad

New radiolarians from the order Nassellaria have been found in Dobridol Formation (Lower Jurassic) of SW Bulgaria, as well as on the territory of the Soviet Union: on Lesser Caucasus (Lower Jurassic) and in Daljniy Vostok (Triassic – Lower Jurassic). Three morphological groups within the superfamily Archecyrtoidea Tikhomirova, 1987, are distinguished with family rank. In the present paper, 28 new species are described. They belong to 14 genera (12 of them also new for the science) referred to Balcaniidae fam. n., Bulgariidae fam. n., and Archecyrtiidae Tikhomirova, 1987. The species described are: Balcanella angulosa sp. n.; Balcanella nana sp. n.; Balcanella Ovoidea sp. n.; Balcanella ussurica sp. n.; Dobridolum calycinum sp. n.; Dobridolum cribellatum sp. n.; Struma ardua sp. n.; Struma decimana sp. n.; Tholusus conoideus sp. n.; Tholusus tumidus sp. n.; Trekljana ampla sp. n.; Trekljana guttiformis s p. n.; Trekljana soluta sp. n.; Trekljana(?) tholiformis sp. n.; Trekljana cf. ampla sp. n.; Zagortchevella declivis sp. n.; Zagortchevella vallaris sp. n.; Bulgarida bojanovi sp. n.; Bulgarida zagortchevi sp. n.; Bulgarida(?) amurensis sp. n.; Guttida trifonfvae sp. n.; Mariella balcanica sp. n.; Mariella petruschevskayae sp. n.; Pyrumella sapunovi sp. n.; Vasiella perrara sp. n.; Vasiella protracta sp. n .; Vesiculla bulgarica sp. n.; Archecyrtum clcukensis sp. n.; Archeeucyrtis primitivum sp. n.

VOLUME 19 (5)/October 1989

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia
lnstitllle for Geology and Mineral Exploration ( lGME), 11527 Athens
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia
Vsesoyuzniy Geologicheskiy lnstitut ( VSEGEI), 199026 Leningrad
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia
lnstitllle for Geology and Mineral Exploration ( lGME), 11527 Athens
lnstitllle for Geology and Mineral Exploration ( lGME), 11527 Athens

Институт земной коры СО АН СССР, 664033 Иркутск
Институт земной коры СО АН СССР, 664033 Иркутск
Геологический институт АН СССР, 109017 Москва

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia
General Company for Hydraulic Studies, Homs, P. O. Box 752, Syria

Геологический институт, Болгарской академий наук, 1113 София
Геологический институт, Болгарской академий наук, 1113 София