P. V. Tchoumatchenco, S. P. Cernjavska. The Jurassic System in East Stara Planina. I. Stratigraphy. The Jurassic sediments in East Stara Planina crop out in a narrow long, in places interrupted or doubled belt 120 km long and 6-10 km in width. It begins directly west of Vratnik Pass and across Kotel and Luda Kamčija Valley terminates north of Golica Village, Varna District. Three formations are divided in t he section of the Jurassic System. The lower, Sini vir Formation (new formation), is represented by fine-bedded flysch sandstones, siltstones and argillites with siderite concretions. Characteristic associations of miospores and dinocysts prove its Pliensbachian - Toarcian age. Sini vir Formation is followed upwards with transition by Balaban Formation (new formation) represented mainly by thick-bedded sandstones with rare and thin interbeds of argillites and siltstones. Lower Jurassic miospore taxa have been found in these rocks but they cannot give a precise age of the formation. Therefore, Balaban Formation is conventionally referred to the upper part of the Toarcian. The Jurassic section in East Stara Planina terminates with grey-black argillites with siderite concretions which belong to Kotel Olistostrome Formation. They include different in size, lithologic composition and age Triassic and Jurassic olistolites as well olistolites of Sini vir and Balaban Formations. In the matrix of Kotel Formation, complexes of Aalenian and Bajocian miospores and Middle Bathonian dinocysts have been found. This prows that Kotel Formation covers the interval from the Aalenian to the Middle Bathonian. Sini vir, Balaban and Kotel Formations are united in Luda Kamčija Group (new group).