E. Kojumdgieva, N. Popov, M. Stancheva, S. Darakchieva. Correlation of the biostratigraphic subdivisions of the Neogene in Bulgaria after molluscs, foraminifers and ostracods. The biostratigraphic subdivisions of the Neogene in Bulgaria after molluscs, foraminifers and ostracods are exactly correlated, because they are based on the same sections. The number and importance of the subdivisions after different groups varied. The foraminiferal zones are the base for the separation of the substages in the marine Badenian. The separation of the substages and minor subdivisions in the semimarine and brackishwater sediments is made principally after molluscs but the foraminifers and ostracods have also stratigraphic importance. The volume of the zones after these groups is different, but their limits usually coincide.