Результаты рубидиево-стронциевых и калиево-аргоновых радиогеохронологических исследований метаморфических и магматических пород Южной Болгарии

pp. 41-54
Геологический институт, БАН, 1113, София
Геологический институт, БАН, 1113, София
Отдел наук о Земле, Оксфордский университет, Оскфорд, OX1, 3PR

I. Zagorcev, P. Lilov, S. Moorbath. Results of rubidium-strontium and potassium-argon radiogeochronological studies on metamorphic and igneous rocks in South Bulgaria. Rubidium-strontium whole-rock isochron isotopic studies complemented by potassium-argon studies, permitted the solution of some open problems of the geology of South Bulgaria (South of the Balkanides). Rocks of the Ograždenian Supergroup sufferred an intense Cadomian (550-530 Ma) deforma tional and metamorphic event which is parallelized with the greenschist metamorphism of the Diabase-phyllitoid complex, and with Struma diorite formation. Granitoid magmatism in the high-grade Precambrian basement is referred mainly to two tectonomagmatic cycles: Hercynian (340-240 Ma) and Alpine (Late Cretaceous and Paleogene). The first Hercynian granitoid complex of the South Bulgarian granitoids (340-320 Ma; initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio about 0.706) is probably related to magma of an initial upper mantle (or lower depleted crust) origination, and subsequent contamination with crustal material followed by differentiation and fractionation. These I-granites have been followed by two main phases of S-granites, their magma being formed by crustal anatexis. Late Cretaceous metamorphic and igneous processes deeply affected the whole Rhodope Massif and the Srednogorie Zone. The rocks of the Rhodopian Supergroup have been reworked by deformational and metamorphic events ca. 100 Ma ago which probably reached to anatexis at deeper levels still not exposed at the present erosion level. During the Early Senonian, magmas of primary upper mantle genesis have been extruded and intruded in the Srednogorie Zone; in the same time, the southern parts of the Rhodope Massif have been intruded by magmas of mixed primary origin, and the central and western parts of the massif - by granitoid magmas of crustal, anatectic origin. The new igneous activization in the Paleogene led to extrusion or intrusion of crustal, anatectic magmas, in the southernmost parts of the Rhodope Massif, of possible mixed origin.

VOLUME 19 (3)/June 1989

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Геологический институт, БАН, 1113, София
Геологический институт, БАН, 1113, София
Софийский Университет, 1000, София
Геол. предприятие лабораторных исследований, 1113, София

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia

Геологический институт, БАН, 1113, София
Геологический институт, БАН, 1113, София
Отдел наук о Земле, Оксфордский университет, Оскфорд, OX1, 3PR

Unirersity of Patras, Department of Geology, 261 10 Patras, Greece
Unirersity of Patras, Department of Geology, 261 10 Patras, Greece
Unirersity of Patras, Department of Geology, 261 10 Patras, Greece

Геологический институт, БАН, 1113, София
Геологический институт, БАН, 1113, София
Геолого-разведочное предприятие „Михайловград”, 3400, Михайловград

Научно-исследовательский институт полезных изкопоемых, 1505, София
Научно-исследовательский институт полезных изкопоемых, 1505, София

Геологический институт АН СССР, Москва
Геологический институт им. Д. Штура, Братислава
Геофизический исследовательский трест Будапешт

University of Sofia, Faculty for Geology and Geography, 1000 Sofia

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113, Sofia
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113, Sofia
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113, Sofia

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113, Sofia
General Company for Hydraulic Swdies, Houts, P. 0. Box 752, Syria