V. Velev, T. Nenov, S. Popov, S. Jovčev. Main features of neotectonic development and characteristics of the deep geological struсture of Moezian Plate in between Arčar and Osâm Rivers. In course of the diverse study data of tectonic, structural geological and morphological features of principal dividing surfaces in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic section of the area (base and roof of the Jurassic- Paleogene structural-tectonic stage, Preneogene and Quaternary denudational surface) were gathered and analysed. A comparison of the appearing on recent surface fault and photolineament network with seismolineaments in the base of the Jurassic series has shown a partial inheritance of elements: there are similarities in orientation of lineaments, but differences in their frequences. On the other hand, the recent morphostructural features of the Earth surface in general do not reflect the forms of Preneogene relief (including the major ones). Also, they are not linked with the sign of tectonic movements in the earlier stages of tectonic evolution. As inheriting in the recent relief are appearing the old morphostructural and tectonic subjects only, having their own long tectonic life in spite of the not very high dynamic characteristics in general. This authonomy is the most specific of the morphostructural and geostructural plans in the geological development of the studied area in the recent stage.