Systématique et phylogénie des Cardiidés sarmatiens de la Paratéthys

pp. 3-14

E. Kojumdgieva. Systematic and phylogeny of the Sarmatian Cardiids of the Paratethys. The Sarmatian Cardiids of the Paratethys are revised and grouped after morphology and phylogeny into following genera: 1) Genus Plicatiforma (K o I e s n i k o v, 1948) P a r a m o n o v a, 1971 (Middle Miocene and Lower and Middle Sarmatian Substages); 2) Genus Planacardium P a r a m o n o v a, 1971 (Lower and Middle Sarmatian Substages); 3) Genus Obsoletiforma (K o I e s n i k o v, 1948) P a r a m o n o v a, 1971, with subgenera Obsoletiforma (Obsoletiforma) emended here (Middle Miocene and Lower and Middle Sarmatian Substages); Obsoletiforma (Sarmaticardium) (B a g d a s a r j a n, 1978) emended here (Middle Sarmatian Substage); Obsoletiforma (Fischericardium) B a g d a s a r j a n, 1978 (Lower and Middle Sarmatian Substages); Obsoletiforma (Kubanocardium) (M u s k h e I i s h w i I i, 1965) emended here (Middle Sarmatian Substage); 4) Genus Inaequicostata (K o j u m d g i e v a, 1969) P a r a m o n o v a, 1971, emended here (Lower and Middle Sarmatian Substages); 5) Genus Chartocardium (M u s k h e I i s h w i I i, in B a g d a s a r- j a n, 1978) emended here (Lower and Middle Sarmatian Substages). This genera are endemic for the Central and Eastern Paratethys.