Giampiero Poli

University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology, Ðušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Perugia, Piazza Universita’, 06100 Perugia, Italy
Faculty of Sciences, School of Geology, Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Faculty of Sciences, School of Geology, Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ATOMKI), Bem ter 18/c, 41001 Debrecen, Hungary
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology, Ðušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
RIO SAVA Exploration, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10i, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Volume 39 1-2 September 2010

Department of Mineralogy, Petrology, Economic Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Perugia, 06100 Perugia, Italy
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Department of Mineralogy, Petrology, Economic Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Geospec Consultants Ltd, 4632 151 Street, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ATOMKI), Bem ter 18/c, 41001 Debrecen, Hungary

Volume 39 1-2 September 2010

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Perugia, Piazza Università, I-06100 Perugia, Italy
Department of Mineralogy, Petrology, Economic Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Dušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Perugia, Piazza Università, I-06100 Perugia, Italy
Department of Mineralogy, Petrology, Economic Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

Volume 39 1-2 September 2010