Gabor Csillag

Geological Institute of Hungary, Stefánia út 14, 1143, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Physical Geography, Eötvös University, Pázmány P. sétány 1/C, 1117, Budapest, Hungary
CEREGE, UMR6635, CNRS, Aix Marseille Universités, BP80 13545, Aix en Provence, France
Geological Institute of Hungary, Stefánia út 14, 1143, Budapest, Hungary
School of Geosciences, Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh; Drummond street, Edinburgh, EH8 9XP, United Kingdom
Department of Geophysics, Eötvös University, Pázmány P. sétány 1/C, 1117, Budapest, Hungary
CEREGE, UMR6635, CNRS, Aix Marseille Universités, BP80 13545, Aix en Provence, France
Geological Institute of Hungary, Stefánia út 14, 1143, Budapest, Hungary

Volume 39 1-2 September 2010

Department of Geology and Mineral Deposits, University of Miskolc, H-3515, Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Hungary
Department of Geological Research, Geological Institute of Hungary, Stefánia út 14., H-1143, Budapest, Hungary
Volcanic Risk Solutions, Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, PO Box 11 222, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Department of Geology, University of Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6, H-7624, Pécs, Hungary
Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Bem-tér 18/C, H-4026, Debrecen, Hungary
Institute of Department of Mineralogy, Herman Ottó Museum, Kossuth u. 13., H-3525, Miskolc, Hungary

Volume 39 1-2 September 2010

Department of Physical Geography, Eötvös University, Pázmány P. sétány 1/C, 1117, Budapest, Hungary
CEREGE, UMR6635, CNRS, Aix Marseille Universités, BP80 13545, Aix en Provence, France
Geological Institute of Hungary, Stefánia út 14, 1143, Budapest, Hungary
Geological Institute of Hungary, Stefánia út 14, 1143, Budapest, Hungary

Volume 39 1-2 September 2010